Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Husband and Wife aiming to Please Allah together

Below I'd like to share a Few of the Honest facts about This Marriages and family lives of righteous Muslims who Allah has enabled me to glean during the analysis of His Novel and of their seerah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), such as the lives of a number of his partners.

Struggling & Differences

I've learnt this, even if both the husband and wife are extremely Righteous and Allah-fearing, it isn't feasible for their wedded life to become devoid of differences as well as also the occasional fighting.

A happy marriage between two thirds individuals doesn't imply An entire absence of disagreements and fighting between these, nor can it be true that neither partner won't ever dislike something about another.

After marriage, each husband-wife duo Will Need to reside Through a few days in which they're extremely angry at their spouse; ticked off about something that the latter said or did.

Being human, Most of Us have flaws, and Most of Us make Errors, and after marriage, our sins and mistakes do hurt our partner -- the 1 person who resides with us day in and day out.

Several examples of the glaring reality of union viz. The existence of arguments between righteous wives and husbands exist in the Quran and sunnah.

The first case is that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and his grandparents, when he once became so mad whatsoever, that he pledged not to talk to or see any one of these for a month. This episode created quite a furor at Madinah and shows us that, despite the fact that the Prophet and his wives were the most populous of the ummah, and all of these were destined to get Jannah, their wedded lives weren't without the occasional conflicts and undercurrents of anger.

There were even days Once the Prophet's wives got mad with Him, as demonstrated by another appropriate hadith that cites how, during these times, when Aisha daughter of Abu Bakr will be mad with her husband, she would swear by Allah by stating, "From the Lord of Ibrahim", rather than, "From the Lord of Muhammad", the latter being her regular taste. Another narration cites how his wife Hafsah bint 'Umar confessed to not speaking to him occasionally during the afternoon, facing her dad 'Umar (may Allah be happy with them all).

Another famous incident That's quoted in sahih ahadith, Cites how Ali ibn Abi Talib obtained his nickname 'Abu Turab' out of his father-in-law, the Prophet. Ali once abandoned his house in a huff after a disagreement with his wife, Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (may Allah be delighted with them both), and put down to the dusty masjid floor to ensure a number of his clothes/body got coated in dust.

That is indicative of how the joyful marriage of Ali and Fatimah, among the most righteous married couples in Islamic background, wasn't devoid of disagreements either.

A significant thing to notice about this episode is that even Although the Prophet clearly found that Ali was mad, he fondly called him with a nickname (possibly to appease him?) , meaning that the elderly, close relatives of their quarreling married couple (particularly their parents and parents-in-law) shouldn't make a huge hullabaloo in their occasional trivial tiffs, unless the fighting becomes serious in character.

Happy Muslim Husband and Wife

Hardship & Scarcity of Resources

The following fact based on actual life, which my research of this Quran and sunnah have educated me over time, about unions involving spouses that are Spartan, is that they're almost always analyzed from the afflictions of desire, hardship and/or straitened financial conditions.

It's true that Prophet Muhammad intentionally chose to reside A lifetime of poverty, even though having complete access to worldly tools which could let him live like a wealthy king (particularly later on in his lifetime), and all of his wives encouraged him in this selection.

Allah had really shown Quranic Verses offering his grandparents an option: either they pick Allah and (remaining married to) His Messenger whilst residing in hardship, or else they go to the luxuries of the worldly life. They all unanimously picked the latter, without hesitation.

But, there are several other cases also. The Quran has Made praiseworthy mention of a Muslim couple throughout the time of their Prophet, who admired and cared for their sudden overnight guest to such a level, that they both consented to forfeit the sole single meal in their home that night, that had been booked only for their kids, so as to serve it for their guest. They switched off the lamp before eating so that their guest wouldn't find out that they weren't eating anything.

Sahih Muslim has also recorded a narration concerning It incident. The Arabic term that Allah uses from the Quran to explain their position is "khasasah", which implies, poverty, or dire need.

Whichever the age in time because Islam came to the world, 1 continuous thing I have observed from the biographical accounts of the lives of the pious predecessors (al-salaf al-salih) is that they suffered hunger and poverty.

Young singles of the ummah that Want to Marry somebody righteous and henceforth live a lifetime on the Deen of Islam, should consequently be forewarned that the trial of poverty and hunger may encounter from Allah as a trial of their union, but to remember that, because it's the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, it certainly has a great deal of good inside.

If the husband and wife Have the Ability to weather this particular trial with Patience and righteousness, they'll emerge from it stronger and nearer to Allah, both as a few in addition to people, Insha’Allah.

Photo Credit: Happy Muslim Family

Separation by Extended Distance

Last, yet another stressful experience That Lots of real life Unions suffer, particularly those involving righteous couples, has been divided for quite a very long time from the path/for the sake of Allah.

A lot of time, if her husband is an da’ee who Is involved with the propagation of Allah's Deen, a spouse is going to need to endure days, weeks or even months or even years without him in home, residing either with his extended family or just with her kids, independently, occupied raising their next creation.

But, It's not just du’at whose Unions are analyzed from the separation of husband and wife for extended times. Occasionally, once the husband loses his job (that happens a lot, in most unions, cue point number two above) along with the household is direly in need of an income, the sole job offer that Allah may send his way might be in a different town or country.

But, modern government-enforced immigration and visa Limitations in addition to other variables linked to the schooling/upbringing of the kids, occasionally stop a spouse from joining her husband at another state where he functions, resulting in weeks or even months of separation, that requires a toll on their marriage.

The prime example of the in Islamic background, whence a Righteous couple suffered a stressful separation for the sake of Allah, is that of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) along with his wife Hajar. He abandoned her and their baby son Ismael from the bare and desolate valley of Makkah, in the command of Allah, so that it could eventually become occupied as well as the home of Allah may be constructed there.

Any modern-day Muslim couple who wishes to marry a righteous Individual and finally live a married life based on superlative heights of both taqwa, piety, and religion, should remember the marital struggles faced by our pious predecessors and how they confronted the issues after becoming married together with exemplary patience (sabr).

The route to Jannah is Thorny, but using a righteous partner by the side, it gets simpler to tread Than once trodden alone.