Sunday, 27 August 2017

Muslim Families at the Crossroads

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The Western version Isn't a Acceptable blueprint for your household life. Its type of family life has caused conjugal infidelity, big scale union breakdown, high levels of divorces, separations, broken homes, alcoholism, drug dependence, libertinism and so on.

People who blindly mimic Western version, exploit their girls To this extent that the latter are created only for sexual pleasure.

The single solution to this Muslim family's situation is upkeep of Islamic family values. Islam builds the household on strong grounds, which might be effective at providing continuity, safety, mutual love and closeness.

With a view to creating the bases of their family strong And organic, Islam not only admits but also puts emphasis on union, and it is a healthy pattern of legal intimacy harmoniously combined with decency, morality and satisfaction.

Marriage and the family would be the focal point from the Islamic system. There are lots of verses in the Quran and several announcements of the Prophet Muhammad, which declare marriage for a moral safeguard along with a religio-social dedication.

The Intent of the Muslim household has to be worship of Allah, as union is thought of as still another kind of worship. The obligation of the household doesn't revolve only on the husband or your spouse or on kids or grandchildren. It's a collective obligation on all of these collectively and even beyond that to the prior generation of grandparents.

"As you sow, so you reap". Cultivation of Islamic values is Essential at a Muslim family and they shouldn't only be cultivated but also nurtured. Our preferences, our concept of fine and vulgar, nice and neat and chaotic, etc., has to be in conformity with the Sunnah.

This applies to private customs, dress, food ways, etc., For the preservation and upkeep of the Muslim household, there should be instilled in its members a powerful sense of belonging to the Muslim Ummah.

The household is not a single thing; It's a societal Facet and so has to be bolstered. A Muslim household must interact with other Muslim families. Parents must, undoubtedly, avoid corrupt individuals and refrain from interacting in ill atmosphere. And also their kids should do exactly the same. At exactly the exact same time, they need to provide superior choices and there may be no better choice than befriending good Muslims.

These are a few ways of preserving and promoting the Muslim family.

In Summary, I fervently appeal to my fellow-religionists To stay continuously aware and creative regarding the Islamic facets.

Educated Muslims have to apply the Islamic theories; "believe", "consider", "seem", "recognize", "understand", "become shrewd", "reason", etc., on the Muslim society, and also assist in transformation of the Quranic and Prophetic Theories of their household into our everyday life.

Check out the video below called "An Ideal Muslim Family":